Here's good news for you interest in study abroad through scholarship programs. Because the Australian government through AusAID provides scholarships Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) for the course S-2 and S-3.
This scholarship is open to the public and private sectors. Priority is given to areas of study that support the goal of increasing the ability of Indonesia's human resources and development that will support sustainable growth, and economic management; investment for human Development: democracy, justice, and good governance; and safety and peace.
Requirements that you must consider, namely the maximum age limit of 42 years and apply for courses that fall into one of four priority areas of development. You also must have a minimum GPA of 2.9 and an IELTS score of 5.0; with notes, TOEFL Institutional / minimum 500 paper based or internet-based TOEFL of at least 39. If you are interested in continuing to pursue the S-2, then you must have completed the S-1, and passed the S-2 to register for the doctoral program (S-3).
Note also the complete document in the registration process the scholarship program. In your proposal file, do not forget to enclose:
1. Copy of birth certificate2. Copy of Passport / ID / national identity card3. List of diplomas and transcripts that have legalized S-1/S-24. Copy of diploma and transcripts that have been legalized5. The results of the original IELTS or TOEFL taken the longest in 2009 or 20106. Academic reference from the supervisor S-2 Applicants for the S-37. Research proposals for applicants S-2 (Full Research) and S-3 applicants
After all the necessary documents ready, you must complete the registration form ADS academic year 2011/2012. Then, send three copies of the application form and documents to ADS office, Wira Business Building 7th floor, Jl. H R Rasuna Said kav. C-5 Kuningan, South Jakarta 12940.
The deadline for submission of registration forms by 26 August. Notification of selection results will be sent directly by the ADSs by mail to all applicants.
Detailed information can contact the ADS office telephone number 021-527 7648 or through the site
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