Yup, that's probably a spontaneous sentence we say when we are going offered the opportunity to study abroad. Although many acknowledge that education at home and abroad have their respective advantages,
but until the past decade, the current Indonesian students studying abroad is increasing. Tens of thousands of college students Indonesia vying to study in another country. In many cities large in Indonesia, the exhibition highlights overseas education with not less computer and technology exhibition. Advances in information technology and communications seems to be one factor driving the increasing number of students internationally in the last three decades. Windy Ariestanty and Maurin Andri states that, "In the 21st century, according to Newsweek magazine website, during the last three decades there were approximately three-fold increase. figure international students reached 800,000 in the 70's decade. In the early 21st century, that figure has been shifted to 2.5 million "1.
Many reasons have attributed to the educational needs of overseas wide range of needs of the workforce, expansion of network, experience and insight into the interaction with the various nations, even to the mere prestige sheer! Consciously or not, the era of globalization demands the quality of human resources higher. Denok Sri Sukartinah, Manager of The University of Melbourne Indonesia Office, said, "In this era of globalization, companies requires people who are more able to compete and have more insight wide. This could be realized one of them through higher education, namely graduate. There is a possibility also for postgraduate title holders, will have a higher bargaining power in world competition work. The need for improving the quality of human resources is also in line with the intense competition at the global level. The concept of free trade that proclaimed the UN requires a country to be ready to accept power foreign labor and sending domestic workers to other countries. It is not may be done if the workforce is not trained to interact with various cultures, mindset and work environment. one of methods used are educated in other countries to directly feel the pattern of interaction with the international community.
In addition, another reason that became the basis for study abroad is the academic atmosphere of a comfortable and conducive. Besides supported by knowledge of those skilled in the art, study abroad allows a student to engage in a learning system that comprehensive, supported by good facilities and infrastructure. The reason this instead of making it up. At the University of Melbourne, Australia, faculty university is a research fellow Nobel Prize recipient in the field of immunology, Prof. Peter Doherty. At the University of Tokyo (Tokyo Daigaku), Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba is a Nobel Prize recipient in the field of molecular physics are also honor a faculty member there. Educational facilities and infrastructure better also be a major supporter of the learning method, as conducted by Singapore which is supported by three state universities and five world-class polytechnic. Singapore Polytechnic (Singapore Polytechnic / SP) which became the first and oldest polytechnic in Singapore is always an update technology to meet the standards of international education and graduate quality. Since its founding in 1954, Singapore Polytechnic has produced 130,000 alumni spread across many countries and become leaders in various sectors of industry, executives in companies, entrepreneurs, and still much more. In short, study abroad going to be an option promising alternative in order to improve the quality of life and progress of the nation. Not not possibly know, one day our country became one of the country an international provider of quality education. However, the The most important of it all is learned in the land should be means, not an end goal. Motivation and intention to learn would be very nentuin successful at least our study there and finally .... will determine our future.
"So, guys. Just prepare your selves. A lot of chances are you waiting ... .."
"So, guys. Just prepare your selves. A lot of chances are you waiting ... .."
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